Reporting Crisis in South East Europe: Case Studies in Six SEE Countries

Reporting Crisis in South East Europe: Case Studies in Six SEE Countries
South East European Network for Professionalization of Media has published a series of six country reports and a regional overview of crisis reporting in SEE.
Media researchers working with SEENPM member organisations in the region have conducted studies of media reporting of a number of recent crisis in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro. Working within SEENPM project Reporting Crisis in South East Europe, which is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, the researchers looked at one crisis in each country, analysing a sample of news content.
With the research coordinated and a regional overview written by Sanela Hodžić, a senior researcher from Mediacentar Sarajevo, the studies focused on the following:
- Albania: Lake Park protests in Tirana
- Bosnia and Herzegovina: National Day of Republika Srpska (RS)
- Kosovo: Building of a wall in the divided city of Mitrovica
- Macedonia: Refugee crisis
- Serbia: Crisis of relations between Serbia and Croatia
- Montenegro: An alleged coup
According to this volume of research and analysis, in the course of crisis, the media failed to fulfil the journalistic ideal and in part act in its direct opposition, contributing to the aggravation of the crisis, a conclusion SEENPM calls both concerning and surprising.
Complete regional report "Journalism in Times of Crisis: Case Studies in Six SEE Countries" is available for download here.